I truly believe the key to good health is to work towards establishing a positive healing system. If we think positively, we start to feel better.
The same thing goes for the universe as a whole and when I read the work of Dr. Jean Logan, her message truly resonated with me.
Jean uses her healing gifts and brings glyphs and symbols to assist humanity in elevating our collective conscious.
The 'I Intend' glyph has been designed in order to remind us of the power we have to make positive change.
Print out this image and hang it up somewhere that you can see it regularly and concentrate on it. Dr. Logan suggests that you also speak out affirmations that revolve around world peace and harmony.
You might like to repeat the sentence - "My intention is to manifest world peace and harmony. I see a world filled with love and peace." Or you may choose to say something similar in a way that resonates with you best.
If you would like to learn more about the different glyphs that Dr. Logan has developed and how they can help you, and the people around you, reach your highest potential, check out her website on www.drjeanlogan.com .