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Haidee Olliver

Naturopath - BNatMed

Becoming a naturopath was a natural step on from what I had been doing for the previous 25 years, which was helping heal families who had experienced the loss of a child. 


After losing my own child; the numbness, grief, depression and anxiety eventually allowed me the growth of compassion and empathy to understand and help my clients establish the root cause of the illnesses that later emerged, for them.

When I meet up with my clients, they often begin by saying "I have never been well since.....”  The key is to sort out the original problem that began the process in the first place.

There are things that happen in our lives which if our emotions and feelings are not allowed to run their natural course either by fear, we may push them down, never to express them in a healthy way or with chemical intervention which stops our body’s own precious. natural reactions.


We inevitably end up with a storage of energy blocks held within our tissues, organs, joints etc. and these equate to dis-ease. 

Whether a plant has been added to herbal tinctures, eaten, made into homeobotanicals or homeopathic remedies, essential oils, dried teas,  smoked or rubbed into the skin it will always trigger our bodies own innate  healing system.

The bible states: “The Lord hath created  medicines out of the  earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.” (Ecclesiasticus 38:4).

The natural constituents communicate to every single cell in our body and find their way to where they need to go to help us heal, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Plant medicines also have a vibration and energy, and these too generate and lift our own bodies energy and vibration.

Let me help you, help your own body’s innate healing power, you will never look back.



  • Bachelor of Natural Medicine

  • Phytomed Certificate for excellence in herbal medicine


Subjects studied and passed:

  • Biochemistry

  • Anatomy and physiology

  • Pathophysiology

  • Pharmacology

  • Herbal medicine including traditional and rongoā Māori 

  • Acute homeopathy extended to homeobotanicals

  • Massage

  • Nutrition

  • Mind-body medicine including bach flower essences

  • Treaty of Waitangi


Natural Soap


When I first met Haidee, I was exhausted and had no idea of how to get out of the funk I was in.

Her amazing ability to listen and truly hear what my body needed, means that thanks to a combination of oils, plant medicine and counselling, Haidee has really helped me get through a lot of stressful experiences in a calmer and more focussed manner. Her aroma touch massages are truly amazing. They are not just relaxing, but she delves into your spiritual side and communicates with your inner voice. I have enjoyed many relaxation massages in the past, but never have I left the room feeling so relaxed, both spiritually and physically.

Scent Oils


My therapy sessions with Haidee over a number of years have been incredible.  Haidee has such a gentle, kind spirit and her intuitive healing skills and her loving nature make for a wonderful experience. 

My therapy sessions have included the amazing  aroma touch technique and Reiki heaing, from the moment I walk in to the moment I leave, I have felt lovingly taken care of. 

Haidee  listens with understanding  and I am always grateful for her vast amount of knowledge and advise.   

Beautiful holistic experiences always from a beautiful soul.

Aromatherapy Oil


I have seen Haidee for symptoms of fatigue, digestive upset and overall unwellness.  Haidee utilised natural and spiritual methods to guide me in the direction of healing. After session one and throughout the following week, my body was screaming to be healed.

I went for my second session and told Haidee how my body was responding and she gave me a healing. It was so calming and rejuvenating.  During the next few days, my pains disappeared completely and I felt more energy than I have had prior giving birth to my babies! I actually felt like I could achieve everything in my day, and I feel happier - like the world has become clearer. 

Essential Oils


I started to see Haidee a couple of years ago when my physical and emotional health was beginning to decline. I initially saw my GP, but decided I needed to sort my problems at the cause, and wanted a more holistic and healthier approach to getting my health back on track. From the moment I met Haidee, I was at ease. She listened without judgment, raised questions that I needed to address honestly and was supportive throughout the entire process. After my first session, I knew I needed to make changes for my well-being. The changes, with Haidee's support, were easy to implement and stick to. The herbal and natural remedies  worked beautifully and by my next session, I could already feel a more positive change in myself. Not only did Haidee support me, but she was there to help with the health of my children too. 

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